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The Company


We are moved by curiosity and passion for science and technology. The early adopter attitude is in our DNA, that means we adopt new technologies as soon as possible, as the product or service is released. With this we evolve our non-stop know-how in the market. 


This is all possible thanks to a team of professionals highly qualified, with seriousness, focus and determination. People who believe on what they do.

Ludgard Junior

Founder & CEO


Ludgard is a General Technician, graduated on UTFPR, always had his interests focused in the technical and scientifical world. In his 32 years experience in the multidisciplinary market, he saw his entrepreneurial vein arise after  founding ACENSCO. 

F: +55 (41) 3015-4060


Mariany Fernandes

Quality Analist


Manageress, Mariany performs quality managment actvities. Her job is fundamental, whereas her experience and sharp eyes makes everything works without a flaw. 

F: +55 (41) 3015-4060

+55 (41) 3015-4060
Rua Deputado Estefano Mikilita, 125, Sala 205
Bairro Portão, Curitiba-PR, CEP 81.070-430
CNPJ: 08.624.379/0001-12
© 2016 by ACENSCO Tecnologia
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